Fun2Move makes movement and exercise fun for kids with special needs

Fun2Move’s fitness sessions are designed for children who have not had the opportunity, or who may be reluctant, to undertake physical activity. Our sessions support children on the autism spectrum who may experience social and physical difficulty with being active or may not have the skills or confidence to join in a mainstream sporting activity.

Our sessions are designed to be relaxed and encouraging and led by trainers that are approachable and supportive. There is no pressure or competition, instead it is an opportunity to learn and explore in a fun, friendly environment while developing skills and confidence to participate in, and enjoy, sport, exercise and physical activity.

Each session has a maximum of 4-6 participants, allowing us to dedicate time to each child and for children not to feel overwhelmed by a large group of people. Group sessions are held at Avondale Stadium in Avondale Heights or online via Zoom for one to one sessions.

Our trainers are also experienced to helping kids to ride a bicycle without training wheels – we’ve had students graduate from four wheels to two in as little as one session!


Develop strength and coordination

Many children on the spectrum have reduced physical capabilities and reduced confidence. Our program aims to improve these skills and confidence so that they can potentially participate in a mainstream activity program.

Through engaging activities and games, Fun2Move programs work on developing core strength, coordination and endurance through functional bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges and pushups in conjunction with movements such as running, jumping, hopping and throwing.

Participants will:

  • Improve hand-eye coordination: learn basic skills from sports such as basketball, soccer, football, T-ball and cricket.
  • Develop stamina and endurance: helping kids to play for longer.
  • Find structure and support: dedicated support to assist children to explore playground equipment through climbing, hanging and sliding, and to build their confidence.

Build confidence and social skills

From a social perspective, Fun2Move sessions focus on taking turns and playing with others. Playing with and against other children in team games helps children understand their role in a game as part of a team and the importance of team communication. Individual games explore competing with others, being gracious in victory or defeat and having fun! The sessions also provide a great forum for the children and their parents to meet and make friends with other families in the area.

After attending Fun2Move, kids who were previously quite sedentary are now taking an active interest in exercising and playing sport. They can overcome previous inhibitions such as lack of skill or intimidation of crowds to find the fun in activity and play and run with their families and their peers. They have greater confidence in themselves and their abilities and are able to put their worries aside and participate and do their best. It has also been a stepping-stone to participation in mainstream sport that previously may not have been considered.

The result? Kids learn to enjoy activity and include it in their lives to be healthier and happier people.


To join in the fun and make movement and exercise part of your kids life. Contact our Melbourne team to find out more.

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