Christine’s Story

“I have two special needs girls who have had issues with PE at school for years. My youngest has issues with the rules and with ball sports and my eldest has issues with noise and generally participating. At Fun2Move, they have both enjoyed going and have never said “why do we have to go?” or “can we stop?” They are learning new skills each time in a safe, quiet and extremely supportive environment and activities that they won’t participate in at school. Pep is so patient with them and I am so grateful.”



Jacks Story

“When Jack first started with Fun2Move he had a history of being ‘below the line’ in his PE school reports. Through regular participation in group sessions, Jack developed skills, confidence, and noticeable enthusiasm for being active. On Jack’s last school report he met the standard in PE for the first time and is showing the health benefits of regular physical activity. “We’ve seen great improvement in his physical abilities and his grade in PE at school. He now participates in sport where he used to shy away”

Jack’s Mum

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