About Fun2Move

Combining their skills in Occupational Therapy, Primary School Teaching and Personal Training plus a passion for health and fitness, Fun2Move brings together the expertise of husband and wife team Giuseppe (Pep) and Ania Mortellaro.

Pep and Ania created Fun2Move with family, fitness and fun in mind. With young children of their own, it was important to be healthy role models for their children and spend more time as a family… but knew there was more fun to be had than solo sessions on a chilly Melbourne morning or expensive gym memberships!

And so Fun2Move was born. Initially offering fitness and Pilates sessions for all ages, Fun2Move now specialises in delivering a unique autism-friendly fitness program tailored to children with autism and other special needs. These children often miss out on the physical and social benefits of fitness and team sports, and have seen great improvement in their health and wellbeing after participating in the Fun2Move program.

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